Wednesday, June 12, 2019

New songs for June 12th, 2019

here they are:

"Hold Your Nerve" by Boy and Bear: It seems as though with "Hold Your Nerve", Boy and Bear have finally settled on a sound that's just right for them. It is not the folk-rock from early on in their career, but nor is it the more straight ahead rock oriented sound they had three years ago. "Hold Your Nerve" sounds a bit like Fleet Foxes mixed with The Cure. Its synth laden atmosphere provides an ethereal backdrop for both acoustic and electric guitars melding with lead singer Dave Hosking's harmonic vocals. "Hold Your Nerve" is actually a rather nerve wracking story, lyrically speaking. Ever since Dave's career with Boy and Bear started almost a decade ago, he had known something was wrong with him. Initially, people thought it was something akin to depression and anxiety, but the illness gradually became more physical than it was mental or emotional, until eventually, his doctors found out he had a bacterial infection affecting nervous system. Perhaps that's what he's referring to when he says "hold your nerve" in this song!

"Kill In the Cure" by Jocelyn and Chris Arndt: Jocelyn and Chris Arndt's contemporary take on blues-rock gets a slow, churning spin on their latest song, "Kill In the Cure". The guitars and bass chug along slowly by themselves until the drums kick in midway through the song, giving it a mysterious, "edgy" sound. Now, what exactly does Jocelyn mean when she says she's looking for the "kill in the cure"? To be honest, I have no idea. However, I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with British alternative rock group, The Cure!