Wednesday, April 14, 2021

New songs for April 14th, 2021

 here they are:

"Last Day on Earth" by beabadoobee: As you can probably guess from the song's title, "Last Day on Earth" is about our recent situation facing lockdowns and a "new normal," a phrase that I have still struggled with fully accepting even after a year. March 2020 felt like the "last day on earth" for Beatrice "beabadoobee" Kristi Laus, and in this song, she expresses what that feels like, in a song that attempts musically to emulate the "lighter" elements of female-led '90s alt-rock groups like Garbage and No Doubt. I guess we can all be thankful that "Last Day on Earth" is not the last SONG on Earth! At the bottom of our hearts, let's still hold on to hope!

"Vertigo" by Alice Merton: We haven't heard too many songs from Alice Merton so far, but we've heard enough to know that her typical style is an "alterna-dance-pop" of sorts that dominated the 2010's and which, so far, has carried into the 2020's as well. Not to be confused with U2's rock anthem, "Vertigo," Alice Merton's "Vertigo" has a more intense mood than the U2 song of the same name, though it's still pretty catchy in its own way. The lyrics of the song seem like a disaster movie waiting to happen! The floor is shaking, faces "seem deadly," and there is nothing but darkness all around! Unlike our previous entry, however, "Vertigo" is NOT about recent events. It is instead a more personal song, revealed towards the end to be about jealousy, but Alice keeps us on our toes beforehand, making us wonder just what it is that's making her feel so dizzy and so threatened!