Wednesday, May 8, 2019

New songs for May 8th 2019

here they are:

"Alligator" by Of Monsters and Men: Well, THIS song is sure to win the "most random song title of the week" award, right?! There aren't very many songs with the word "alligator" in the title, and perhaps even less with that word being the ONLY word in a song title! As it turns out, this song doesn't have much to do with alligators to begin with. Instead, it appears to be about either an acid trip or a "vision quest" of some sort. The sound of this song might alienate a few people who were initial fans of OMAM. It is not the neo-folk-rock of OMAM's last two albums, but rather a pop sound with a "dark" edge. Make of this song what you will...just know that there are no alligators in it.

"Hypersonic Missiles" by Sam Fender: What an amazing combination of sounds this guy has!! Mixing the arena ready indie rock of acts like Ryan Adams and Kings of Leon, the moody yet echoic chime of The Cranberries, and saxophones reminiscent of Men At Work's biggest hits, Sam Fender has launched his "Hypersonic Missiles" onto our ears, and boy, do they explode! In a good way, of course. Lyrically, it's a "love among the ruins" song, a bit like Goo Goo Dolls' "Name" (another personal fave of mine). Amidst the post-apocalyptic imagery, Sam manages to try to find hope in a hopeless situation. If the world ends in my lifetime, THIS is the song I want to exit with!

"I'll Wait" by The Strumbellas: It's not quite the toe tapping indie-pop of "Salvation" from late last year, but "I'll Wait", the second single from Strumbellas' latest album, is still a happy little slice of indie-folk-pop. Acoustic guitar takes a backseat in this song, though, to a backing string orchestra that swells throughout this song, providing it with a spirited vibe. The lyrics are nothing special, really. Just a simple love song. However, this seems to be what The Strumbellas do best with their music.

"Joy" by Bastille: Bastille have always put the "pop" in "indie-pop", but this song screams pop music! If the title alone wasn't enough to clue you in, "Joy" is pretty much just that. It's a joyful song. The song is their bounciest song yet. The harmonizing vocals towards the end of the song only reinforce the squeaky clean image the song attempts to paint in our minds.