Wednesday, November 13, 2019

New songs for November 13th, 2019

here they are:

"Alabaster" by The Wood Brothers: When The Wood Brothers go for more of a slick, soulful groove than they do for the "jam band" stuff they've become known for, they seem to be most successful. The funky and surprisingly catchy "Happiness Jones" from last year proved this. During the last few weeks of the 2010's, The Wood Brothers prove their worth in funkiness once again with "Alabaster". "Alabaster", in this case, refers to a town in Alabama, and when the Woods claim that the subject of their song "won't be going back to Alabaster", they mean that she won't be going back to a place where oppression of sexual rights and oppression of women's rights run rampant. I think it's safe to say that no one wants to go back to Alabaster!

"NYE" by Joseph: "NYE", in this case, is pronounced "en-why-ee", not as "Nye" like Bill the Science Guy. It stands for "New Year's Eve" and serves as a coming of age song centering around the disappointment the lead singer feels about said holiday. Frustration is expressed that the person she is with is just using it as an excuse to get drunk (as she might be as well) and that she really doesn't feel older than she was before. The disillusionment and deconstruction of a beloved holiday. Is this really what we need to close out the 2010's?! Perhaps it is, if only to give us a wake-up call to move ourselves forward into the next decade.

"Unchained" by Devon Gilfillian: Neo-soul extraordinaire Devon Gilfillian made a big splash on adult alt radio through spring and summer of this year with the super-catchy "Get Out And Get It". The aching ballad, "Even Though It Hurts", was slated to be his next single, but unfortunately, it tanked. Thankfully, "Unchained" seems to be working in Devon's favor so far, having already hit 16 radio stations within its first week on the air! Perhaps this is because of just what a powerful song "Unchained" is. The song seems to be a cry for justice, perhaps both in a romantic way and a racial way, but whichever subject it's supposed to represent, it retains its strength! Mixing soul, hip-hop, and rock into a potent fabric, "Unchained" begs for freedom during a time when many souls feel chained and broken!