Wednesday, June 30, 2021

New songs for June 30th 2021

 here they are:

"Hardlytown" by Hiss Golden Messenger: I'm pretty sure there's no such actual place as "Hardlytown," but if there was, the music there would sound like a cross between Bob Dylan and 1960's soul music, and going by the lyrics, it probably wouldn't be easy to live there! In HGM's latest song, the country-rock ensemble attempt to bring people together and lure them out of their darkness, while still acknowledging that such a task is easier said than done. The likelihood of achieving peace and unity amongst one another seems close to nil right now, but Hiss Golden Messenger still seem to think it could be worth the effort in "Hardlytown." 

"Rocky Trail" by Kings of Convenience: In the early to mid 2000's, Norwegian folk-rock duo Kings of Convenience were seen as being the millennial equivalent to Simon and Garfunkel. Unlike S & G, however, KOC are only known by select few, achieving their fame in a way that was as quiet as their music is. On "Rocky Trail," the first KOC track in 12 years, the duo capture the essence of their quaint, wistful, folksy charm that won over the small but significant fan base they had. Using nothing but their voices, acoustic guitar, and a beautiful but stark orchestral arrangement in the background, Kings of Convenience invite us into their whispery, cozy world with "Rocky Trail." The word "rocky" in the title of the song, however, could be indicative of a broken relationship, judging by what the rest of the lyrics of the song have to say.