Wednesday, April 6, 2022

New songs for April 6th 2022

 here they are:

"Ain't Killed Me Yet" by Adia Victoria: As a contemporary R & B musician attempting to bring the "B" (blues) back into R & B, blues has always been a part of Adia Victoria's sound, but it's never come out quite as strong as it has on her latest track, "Ain't Killed Me Yet"! A slow-churning yet catchy track with a John Lee Hooker styled beat, "Ain't Killed Me Yet" is a punchy, unapologetic blues-rock song that was loosely inspired by "Won't You Celebrate With Me?" by poet Lucille Clifton. Clifton's themes of racial and sexual injustice in "Won't You Celebrate With Me?" spoke to Adia, who is both a racial and sexual minority herself, although Adia seems more to be taking that sense of angst and directing it towards today's harsh sociopolitical climate, finding solace only in the fact that such heinous acts and sentiments "ain't killed (her) yet"!

"Synchronize" by Milky Chance: German indie-pop duo, Milky Chance, continue to do what they do best on their latest song, "Synchronize," combining folk-y acoustic guitars with hip-hop beats and techno synths. This eclectic sound combination is nothing new for Milky Chance, although the song's lyrics seem to have more of an idealistic hippie vibe than their previous songs did. The title of the song comes from the "synchronicity" of all emotions and that, when it boils down to one's emotional essence, the only thing people really feel in the end is love.